CFUW Advocacy: Waste Reduction Information
The CFUW Stratford Advocacy Committee works on a range of issues, including the environment. Recently we’ve been advocating for waste reduction and waste diversion, particularly single-use plastics and disposal of waste at local events.
As we raise awareness, we have produced two information resources: a 2-page sheet of tips and ideas for hosting a “greener” event and a slightly longer guide for volunteer committees and event planners. Take a look at the documents below for our suggestions for reducing waste at events — and let us know your ideas and successes:
Many thanks to the City of Stratford’s Energy & Environment Committee for their financial support of the design of these resources.
How to Host a Greener Event
A 2-page resource which introduces things to think about as you plan your event details and make choices about supplies, waste disposal, and how you might initiate environmentally-friendly changes
Guide to Hosting Greener Events
A 5-page resource with waste-reduction ideas and tips for event planners, best practice examples, and answers to some frequently asked questions.