Kendra Fry had a long career in the arts mostly as a General Manager in theatre before beginning her work creating multi sectoral community hubs for the common good. Working with partners from across Canada, Kendra unlocks the hidden value in historic building sites, creating broad cross sectoral community centres that involve the arts, housing, food security, education and many other not for profit organizations. Some of her better-known sites include Carlton University at Dominion Chalmers, Crescent Fort Rouge Centre in Winnipeg and The Spire of Sydenham in Kingston.
Kendra is the author along with Milton Friesen of “No Space for Community; An in- depth look into the loss of infrastructure due to faith building closures in Ontario” which can be read at This study of not for profit and community usage of faith buildings was created in partnership with the Ontario Trillium Foundation, Ontario Non Profit Network, Cardus, the City of Toronto and Faith & the Common Good.
Kendra is an Associate with the National Trust for Canada where she works on enhancing the community value of and engagement with historic places including museums, faith buildings, cultural sites and historic landscapes.
You can see some of her projects at