“These lyrics have been crafted and generously shared with us by a member who has been active in CFUW Stratford for the last 15 years.
They are a wonderful example of the sentiments and humour that will see us through to being together again.
“Hello, my friends,
I have written a few words about the pandemic…..you can sing it to the tune of ‘I’ve Been Working on the Railroad’ ……
I’ve been home with this pandemic
All the live- long day,
Eating, sleeping, drinking vodka
Just to pass the time away.
I wonder when it’s really over
If I will still remember who I am!
If I survive this whole experience
I’ll be happy as a clam!
There it is…..I can just about hear you singing it….
Take care…love and blessings to you…
From Audrey (Stares) “